Previous Stages
Final draft Local Plan consultation (Regulation 19)
Consultation on the final draft (pre-submission) Local Plan (PDF, 25 MB)(opens new window) opened on 6 December 2024 and closed at 23:59 on 31 January 2025.
All 'duly-made' representations will now be processed and submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination, expected to take place during 2025. This will involve the appointment of an independent Planning Inspector, who will examine the Local Plan in detail on issues of soundness, legal compliance and compliance with the duty to cooperate.
Representations were invited that focused on whether the plan is legally compliant and meets the tests of 'soundness' as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
First draft Local Plan consultation (Regulation 18)
Consultation on the first draft Local Plan opened on 13 March 2024 and closed at 23:59 on 08 May 2024.
The consultation sought your views on the Great Yarmouth first draft Local Plan (opens new window) and evidence base, invited submissions of sites from landowners for gypsy and traveller provision, provided an opportunity to submit further sites to be considered for Local Green Space designation and sought views on the potential introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (opens new window).
Local Plan options consultation
The Local Plan options consultation opened on 06 January 2023 and closed at 23:59 on 27 February 2023.
The consultation sought your views on some of the key matters that the new Local Plan will need to contain. The consultation was comprised of a series of questions to help the Borough Council prepare the Local Plan. Comments were invited to be submitted via the Local Plan issues and options consultation document (opens new window) consultation document, interactive map of potential sites, by email or by post.
The consultation also sought views on potential sites for development that could be allocated for new housing, commercial and other types of development and help meet development needs.
Call for sites
To help inform the new Local Plan, the Borough Council undertook a call for sites between 27 May 2022 and 08 July 2022. An opportunity for further site submission was provided alongside the Local Plan options consultation between 06 January 2023 and 27 February 2023. Sites submitted through the process were assessed as part of the preparation of the new Local Plan and have helped to inform what sites are preferred for allocation for development, or protected from development, and also have helped to inform the overall preferred distribution of development across the Borough.