Emerging Local Plan
Examination of Great Yarmouth Local Plan
The emerging Great Yarmouth Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on 24 February 2025 under Regulation 22 of The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). This new Local Plan upon adoption will replace the Current Local Plan formed of the Core Strategy and the Local Plan Part 2.
The new Local Plan is presented as a single document which includes a strategy for development, including identifying needs for housing and economic development over the period to 2041. The plan also identifies land for development and other site-specific policies, as well as detailed policies to help determine planning applications.
All examination documentation can be found in the Examination Library and the latest news associated with the examination is detailed below. The prescribed 'Submission Documents' will also be available for inspection at Great Yarmouth Town Hall and local libraries (during usual opening hours) as set out in the Statement of Fact (PDF, 154 KB).
Planning Inspector
Two independent Inspectors have been appointed by the Planning Inspectorate, M. Hayden BSc (Hons), Dip TP, MRTPI and J. Burston BSc MA MRTPI, to examine the Local Plan and its supporting evidence to decide whether it meets the soundness and legal compliance tests. Contact with the Inspectors will be provided via the Programme Officer.
Programme Officer
Mrs Annette Feeney has been appointed as 'Programme Officer' for the examination of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan. The programme officer provides the main link between the Planning Inspector, Borough Council and participants. The main roles of the programme officer are to organise and administer the examination, including organisation of the public hearing sessions and dealing with all procedural matters. The programme officer is independent from the Borough Council and reports directly to the appointed examination inspector.
Programme Officer contact details
Name: Mrs Annette Feeney
Email: annette.feeney@great-yarmouth.gov.uk
Phone: 07775 772926
Post: c/o Strategic Planning, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Town Hall, Hall Plain, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2QF
Examination key stages & timeline
The following timeline sets out the key stages of the examination processes and these will be updated through the course of the examination.
- Local Plan submission - 24 February 2025
- Inspector appointments - 19 March 2025
- Inspector's initial letters and questions - Awaiting
- LPA's responses to Inspector - Awaiting
- Inspector's matters, issues & questions - Awaiting
- Hearings timetable and participants - Awaiting
Latest news
Follow the latest news associated with the local plan examination here as the examination progresses. All the examination documentation can be found in the Examination Library, which will also be updated throughout the course of the examination.
Latest news
- 19 March 2025 - Appointment of Inspectors
On 19 March 2025, a letter was received from the Planning Inspectorate appointing two Inspectors to examine the Great Yarmouth Local Plan. The appointment letter is available to view in Section E of the Examination Library.
24 February 2025 - Submission of Local Plan
On 24 February 2025, the Council submitted the Local Plan to the Secretary of State to be independently examined. The submission documents are available to view in Section A of the Examination Library.
Further information
What is a local plan examination?
Once a Local Planning Authority (LPA), such as the Borough Council, has finished preparing and consulting on a local plan this must be submitted to the Secretary of State (central government) who will appoint an Inspector through the Planning Inspectorate to carry out an independent examination.
The examination will assess whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements, and consider if the plan is 'sound'. There are four tests of 'soundness' which are set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. In summary, these consider whether the plan:
- has been positively prepared to meet objectively assessed needs,
- is justified by proportionate evidence,
- is effective, being deliverable, and based upon effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters, and
- consistent with national planning policy.
The Inspector will consider the evidence provided by the LPA to support the plan and any representations (comments) which have been submitted by local people and other interested parties through the Regulation 19 pre-submission publication stage and over the course of the examination. In most cases the examination will include hearing sessions which are held in public.
At the end of the examination the Inspector will send a report to the LPA recommending whether or not they can adopt the plan. In most cases the report will recommend some changes that are necessary to meet the tests of soundness and to allow the plan to be adopted. These changes are known as 'main modifications'.
In carrying out the examination, the Inspector will be conscious of the benefits of having a robust and up to date plan adopted as quickly as possible and will apply the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality.
Further guidance on the local plan examination process is available on the Local Plans: the examination process webpage. In addition, the Planning Inspectorate has provided a Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations, and a short guide aimed at those participating in a local plan examination for the first time.
What about the proposed Community Infrastructure Levy?
The council has also submitted its Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule for independent examination. Details can be viewed on the Community Infrastructure Levy webpage.