BBBCFSOB1 - Examiner's notice of commencement of examination
The following notice of commencement of the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan Examination was sent by email from the examiner.
Wednesday 23/10/2024 13:38
RE: Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan
Dear Toby,
I am writing to confirm to you and the Parish Councils that the examination of the above NDP has now started.
I attach the usual standard examination note which sets out what I trust is useful general information about the procedures for examinations.
If you or the Parish Councils have any queries at this stage please do not hesitate to get in touch.
I hope to be able to update you about progress very soon.
Thank you for appointing me to undertake this one; I look forward to working on the Plan and visiting the area.
Kindest regards Ann
Ann Skippers MRTPI
Director Ann Skippers Planning
Chartered Town Planners